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The Top Signs

That Your Tree Needs Professional Attention

Trees are a beautiful and valuable part of any landscape, offering shade, beauty, and even increased property value. However, like any living thing, trees require care and attention to stay healthy and safe. While some tree maintenance tasks can be handled by homeowners, certain situations call for the expertise of a professional tree service. But how do you know when it’s time to call in the experts? Here are the top signs that your tree needs professional attention.

1. Dead or Dying Branches

One of the most obvious signs that a tree needs professional care is the presence of dead or dying branches. These branches are often brittle, lack leaves, and may even fall off easily. Dead branches not only detract from the appearance of your tree but can also pose a significant safety hazard. If you notice dead branches, especially in the upper canopy, it’s time to call a professional to assess the situation and remove them safely.

2. Cracks or Splits in the Trunk

Cracks or splits in the trunk of a tree can indicate serious structural problems. These issues often occur after storms, heavy winds, or due to the tree’s age. A split trunk can weaken the tree and make it more susceptible to falling, especially during adverse weather conditions. If you see any cracks or splits in your tree’s trunk, it’s crucial to have a professional arborist evaluate the tree’s stability and determine the best course of action.

3. Leaning or Unstable Trees

While some trees naturally grow at an angle, a sudden or significant lean can be a sign of a serious problem. A tree that begins to lean after a storm or heavy rain may have a compromised root system. This instability can make the tree a danger to your property and safety. If you notice a tree on your property starting to lean, it’s essential to contact a tree service to assess the situation and take corrective measures, such as cabling or removal.

4. Fungal Growth or Decay

Fungi growing on or near the base of a tree can be a sign of internal decay. Common types of fungi include mushrooms, conks, and bracket fungi, which often indicate that the tree is rotting from the inside. Decay weakens the tree’s structure and can lead to branch or whole tree failure. If you spot any fungal growth on your trees, it’s a strong indication that professional attention is needed to determine the extent of the damage and whether the tree can be saved.

5. Unusual Leaf Behavior

The condition of a tree’s leaves can tell you a lot about its health. If you notice leaves that are wilting, yellowing, or falling off out of season, it could be a sign of disease, pest infestation, or environmental stress. Unusual leaf behavior may also indicate issues with the tree’s root system or overall health. A certified arborist can diagnose the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment to restore your tree’s health.

6. Excessive Sprouting at the Base

If you see a lot of new shoots or sprouts growing at the base of your tree, it may be a sign of stress or damage. These sprouts, known as suckers, are the tree’s way of trying to survive after experiencing some form of trauma, such as pruning, root damage, or disease. While some sprouting is normal, excessive growth is a sign that your tree needs professional attention to address the underlying issue.

7. Pest Infestation

Certain pests, such as borers, beetles, and aphids, can cause significant damage to trees if left untreated. Signs of a pest infestation include holes in the bark, sawdust-like frass at the base of the tree, or unusual leaf damage. Some pests can carry diseases that further compromise the tree’s health. A professional arborist can identify the specific pests affecting your tree and provide treatment options to manage the infestation.


Your trees are a valuable part of your landscape, and keeping them healthy and safe is essential. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek professional help as soon as possible. At Sequoia Tree Services, our team of certified arborists is ready to assess your trees’ health and provide the expert care they need. Don’t wait until a minor issue becomes a major problem.